Thursday, 31 July 2008

041 - nostalgia

I was randomly browsing the net and stumbled upon 'toad the wet sprocket' and it got me thinking about my life back in the day. From that I thought about swimming practice and how I had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to be in the water by 5:00. All those mornings of chlorine hair style, blood shot eyes, flying ants in the pool,
and hot breakfast on the steps by the pool.
The best memory for me was driving to the pool with my dad. I hated the prospect of diving in and swimming for an hour but that little time with my dad is engraved on me. He would play dc talk, newsboys and jars of clay pretty much all the time on those drives and now those songs have become synonyms with those mornings...

...walk on the ocean step on the stones, flesh becomes water wood becomes bone...

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